Light ROM 4
Light ROM 4 - Disc 1.iso
000506_owner-lightwave@webcom.com_Wed Jul 26 00:03:00 1995.msg
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Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 05:27:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: Dennis Rowley <drowley@fafnir.rx.uga.edu>
To: lightwave list <lightwave@webcom.com>
Subject: In need of models, ftp help
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I have recently begun dipping into the resources at the avalon.viewpoint
ftp/www site and have had varied success. I am currently in need of a
few basic objects but have had no success either downloading,
decompressing, or locating them. I am green in these areas and ask the
group's assistance.
1. I am unable to use the files I download from the lightwave drawer,
such as "LIGHT-ROM.lha", "lw-stuff.lha", and "suprafax.lzh". Are these
in some sort of amiga compressed format? What do I do? (I am hooked up
to the internet via PC, and have access to on-line MACs also). It is a
mystery -- I seemed to have downloaded the files fine when using "ftp"
but was unable to use them, so I tried going into the drawer via the www
site to see if it might give me some clues. When I clicked on these items
the computer read the files instead of asking me where to save them. My
PC expert friend was stumped and guessed it was an archaic language or
an amiga anomoly. Help??
2. I am trying to use a number of the items that are listed with the
suffix ".Z", these have been unwilling to unzip using "pkunzip", and I
have been unable to locate any info at the site to explain the difference
between a ".zip" file and a ".Z" file. Any takers?
3. Here are the objects I need for my current production:
Telephone: a basic wide-base phone with a headset sitting on top,
attached by a spiral cord. (to clarify, the base is sort-of pyramid
Earth: I can see that there are a number of these at avalon but,
alas, I know not how to use them. I would like something impressive,
I plan to make it transparent and place a point light inside.
Computer,PC: Again, I know they are out there, but...if anyone knows of
a particularly nice model that beats the one included in LW...
Balance scales: The typical symbol for justice, with pans that hang
on either side. Obviously, it would be great if this had movable parts.
I realize this is mundane stuff for all the modelling pros out there, so
thanks for any time and help you can spare. I would be thankful to be led
to a CD-ROM or other resource that I can get these items from directly, and
bypass the ftp process altogether right now, mainly because of time
constraints. Hopefully, when the dust settles I'll have time to learn
how to fully utilize the resources on the `net that you guys refer to so
Thank you,
Dennis M. Rowley
Call your mother.
Dennis Rowley <drowley@fafnir.rx.uga.edu> sent this message.
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